Sunday, June 2, 2013

Just do it and rock those curls!

I have worn my hair curly for the past 3 years. It has been a fun journey and along the way, many women have expressed interest in doing the same. The question everyone has is, "Where do I start?" The funny this is that I had the same question in the beginning. The people that know and love me, know that I just dive in to things. When I received the question, "Where do I start?", I began to think of the pros and cons of what I have learned. I hope that this can give you some guidance.

1. Make a plan.
Since I decided to transition rather than the "big chop" (a phrase used to identify when a person decides to cut off their relaxed hair and wear it as a short afro), I was completely lost. Here's what I looked like in my early days of the transition:

I posted this photo online, hoping that someone would give me some guidance. I did not wear it this way, but I didn't really know how to transition. When you do decide to "rock those curls", hop on the web and see what other people are doing. You can find youtube videos, facebook pages and twitter accounts all about wearing your hair curly. Then you will be able to figure out where you may want to start. You can also get ideas of how you can style your hair.

2. Do your homework.
When you have figured out to wear your hair then the next step is the "how to part". Will you need to find a natural hairstylist? If so, you will need to look and find out which one you would like to go to. What kinds of hair creams would you be interested in trying? This may be more difficult if you are trying to transition. I tried about 4 hair creams, prior to deciding on one I liked for shampoo and then I began creating my own styling cream. Here are the natural hair lines that I recommend:
Shea Moisture Hair Products have lots of different creams and shampoos for many different hair types.
Eco-styler gel is great for holding the style, especially in the California Sun.

3.  Go for it!
The idea of being natural is all about creativity. It's not about perfection, but rather experimentation. I have had more fun figuring out the styles that I wanted to try out, then anything else. Here is one of my favorite hair styles in the early days:
 This style is a bantu knot style with a braid out. Follow us on more tips on how to achieve this style in a future post.
I hope that this tips will help you start on your natural hair journey!


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